Monthly Archives: August 2006


Happy Chinese Valentine’s Day for the 2nd time in a year!!! Click me. … and have a great day at work!!!

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Peaceful Buddha

Peace . Serenity . Tranquility Have a great week at work!

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Emotional Intelligence

I have decided in my unique selling point which i have yet to discuss with Alice if it is good…Emotions…applying emotions intelligence to everything…that will be my underlying fundamental in everything i any form of my training. I will … Continue reading

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1a. 敢于为自己设想美丽的未来

每个人都应该有自己的生活目标,或许你的目标只不过是平平安安读过一生,但是朋友,这样妄自菲薄,始终在自己的人生中扮演一个低于自己的角色,你是否甘心呢?文艺复兴时期著名的思想家蒙田曾经说过:“一个人最伟大和华丽的乐章就是知道并且实现自己生活的目标。”只有为自己寻找到一个高尚的目标,你才能真正奏响着华美的乐章。 — I am reading this book I bought in SH like a year ago. Small little book titled: 敢想敢作敢拼. Kind of like a motivational book. I initially thought that I would have read it finish in China, but apparently … Continue reading

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A reason for rejoicing …

but, not yet the moment to pop a champagne! I completed my prototype. Well, at least, all the features that I wanted to include by 18 August 2006 (next Friday), today. Supposed to show my Prof my prototype tmr and … Continue reading

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Timely Encouragement

Was pleasantly surprised when I came home and saw the following on MSN: — Tired – Take a break Disheartened – Deal with the problem Afraid – Ask for help and you shall receive the answers Unsure – Untie the … Continue reading

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Begin with the end in mind…

This is the 2nd habit from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People..what is it doing here…well not about training..but i applied to how i was going to spend my day…Today..the different time slots i have allocated for different things… … Continue reading

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Bible Verses (5 of 5)

For all circumstances … Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kindgom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, … Continue reading

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Bible Verses (4 of 5)

When in need of protection … He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in … Continue reading

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What do you do when the internet is down…You can ..

Drop by the coffee bean & tea 25 RMB for a Tropical Passion Latte and surf all day in the non – smoking section…(i just realised that i love the logo, simple and to the point, coffee bean seed / tea … Continue reading

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