Monthly Archives: March 2009

Always by my side

dear bbFionna, i pray each night that you’ll always be by my side … been a very busy week and every evening when i shut down my computer and head out for home, you are on my mind … how … Continue reading

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We were holding our hands as we both walked down the beach - our routine morning walk. I loved the sun, shinning right on our face as we feel the warmth of the sun. I look at you and smile. The same hand … Continue reading

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Wedding Bells

Must be the result of  flipping through the many wedding photos of friends who have tie the knot for the past 2.5 years while i am working in Shanghai.I had a dream about us, our wedding . The only scene i … Continue reading

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Pinkie , the cat was so tagged to me. She loved me so much that she always want to sleep and be beside me. She was white in color with orange stripes. I tried to put Pinkie outside my bedroom … Continue reading

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Patient BB

Bb;  I am sorry for being so impatient with you @ work and when we talk sometimes. My task orientation gets me very worked up at times when i don’t achieve what i set to do.I get agitatedwhen you give me … Continue reading

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Support Baby

So grateful and thankful for my dear bb who is always very supportive of what I do and also always offers good advice on how I should tackle the issue. To my one and only dearest bbFionna: Nothing can compare … Continue reading

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Enjoying People In Your Life

Summary of 4 keys that we see from Phillippians 1:3-11 on What does it take to enjoy people in your life : 1. Be grateful for the good in people. In the past , you have been hurt by someone @ … Continue reading

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Missing my dear dear bbFionna

BB, how are you today? Sorry I not there when things happen … I was so worried when your glass shattered and your door broke. I knew you were worried too, but you were tired and trying to think of … Continue reading

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Bananas, Chocolate & Walnuts

Cos’ I am bananas for my bbFionna … and I am walNUTS for my bbFionna … and I love my bbFionna more than chocolate bb say she is a bb because she cannot NOT see and hear bb bb also … Continue reading

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The Impatient Tone

Bb, I must write this down. I perceive your tone yesterday as very impatient with talking to me. I was upset. You said i brushed you aside. I did not hear you properly as the reception was slow.It’s the 2nd time … Continue reading

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