Monthly Archives: July 2007

My Sunday

Thanks for keeping my Chinese in check with your Chinese entry! Time flies! So fast, it’s one year liao … am glad that I can say you are thriving quite well in Shanghai. That is a good thing, though must … Continue reading

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我喜欢今天,终于可以懒睡到10 点钟。好久没写中文的博客了,心情好久写中文吧。今天打完了羽毛球过后,就和我的女友一起去新乐路的Sakurado喝咖啡,读我的: The Starbucks Experience. 不知不觉在上海也工作了一年,发现时间过的很快,朋友也跟着时间与日俱增。对于自己的工作还是充满着热情,期望,就是应酬多了许多,估计一个星期三次,都出去到三更半夜才回家,建立所谓的“关系”。 读了你的博客,知道你皮肤过敏,希望一切都恢复了.有时候很想找打电话给你,投诉一番,可是这不是我一般的作风,就希望和你谈的都是快乐的事情。也了解在中东国家工作的痛苦。 好好照顾自己。God Bless You!    

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HappY Birthday To U!

1 year since we celebrated your Birthday in Shanghai; Sorry that I cannot be there and give you a surprise visit as I did before; I hope and pray your day, as was all other days, was good; That God … Continue reading

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I was going to write a complain post. But, since I got it out already … here’s a nice little pic of BBC and BBc.

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Full circle

Alamak! Bad sign! I’m feeling off about everything again. =( Anyway, let’s see what happens … =) You changed the layout of the site? Paiseh, lah … that day I finally got my local line working then I message you, … Continue reading

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