1a. 敢于为自己设想美丽的未来


I am reading this book I bought in SH like a year ago. Small little book titled: 敢想敢作敢拼. Kind of like a motivational book. I initially thought that I would have read it finish in China, but apparently not. Here I am, picking the book up again.

… and yes, reading it again inspires me … maybe it’s the example. The book mentions the founder of SoftBank (the Japanese Corporation) and how he came about success. There was 1 thing I admired alot was that he was very patient and what he set out to do, he always gets done. For example, he set out to spend 5 mins each day conceptualizing a new product or idea which he can bring to market. In a year he got more than 250 ideas and he eventually produced one of it. I remember being inspired when I first read it in SH and I also started my little book to record new ideas or just ideas. Didn’t last too long and my ideas were mostly uninnovative. So … after time … erm … u know …

ok … maybe if I read on and complete the book, I will not only get inspired but I will also get determination … to complete what I want to do … or … we’ll see … in fact, if I do complete the book, it would be … (“,)

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