Monthly Archives: April 2009

All I Want

If I was a flower growing wild and free All I’d want is you to be my sweet honey bee. And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen All I’d want is you to shade me and be … Continue reading

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Window of difference

Now I’ve got my little office space nicely settled beside the window, work begins at 9 am or 10 am  in the morning and it sometimes never end till 11pm. I love this newly created work space, with the sun shining on my … Continue reading

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We travel to Japan and live there for 3 months in a village near Hokkaido. We  teach the children in the village Englishand Chinese. Occasionally, i teach them to paint. I have always wanted to do this, live with you … Continue reading

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Who does Edwin love more than Fionna Lee?

Lee Yen Teng *Cheeky Smile*

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