Begin with the end in mind…

This is the 2nd habit from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People..what is it doing here…well not about training..but i applied to how i was going to spend my day…Today..the different time slots i have allocated for different things…

I started with 0800 am to pick Ah Yi up from Jiuguang to clean my house…i purposely chose an early timing so i do not end up wasting the Sunday despite i left Dhresse’s place at ard 2 am…did not join the rest of the folks for Bar Rouge..just feel like having a talk with D & her frd Willie (frm Oxford) …an ang moh who is a linguist and speaks perfect Chinese…ashame of myself….

0800 hrs…Lesson 1: Be more thrifty…

Spoke to ah yi..i was very touched..the frugal life she led…can even wait for 55 minutes just to save a dollar on a non-air con bus..Fionna and here u are taking cab like no body’s business…of course u dun have to live a life like that…just take more buses n train..btw ah yi and her husband had divorced…she told me she still love him a does her ex- hubby…just thst she was very upset that her husband lied to her..but she knew she will never love anyone again…she told me…if she is younger..she will choose money over Love..she says not practical to choose Love, if noe got a rich man 100 years, she might marry him…..and warned me…must choose rich husband..i totally diasgree and said this: see..your husband is still single u, why? becoz the love foundation is very strong…money can’t buy this..she smiled n replied..yes , i know my ex will not get involved in another relationship again…she is “still” supporting her 2 sons, both not working..story..too long to time…

She keeps blaming herself for “pampering” such that they are spoilt now…agree..unlike my mummy…has seriously warned us..she will not expect us to take care of her but at least she expects us to take care of ourself and no way will she support us…very clear message drilled across to us since childhood..

1300 hrs: Tai kang road..To visit Art gallery..Lesson  2 : Never go to 3 in 1 Art galleries, galleries with shopping places n alfesco brunch restaurants… confirm commercialized..go only to those which are strictly just art galleries…no heart stopper..xcept the 2 architecture firms there..realli nice..i peeped in..very stylo workplace..i, i did not have the exact address..but al i did was to stop in front of this lan when i saw an ang mah waiting outside that far it works all the time!

It was a small lane….the small houses.which are realli nice n old..architecture still well preserved..feel like buying one unit..thou old to make it into my house…there is a mixture of art galleries..small unique shops selling antiques to fashion an alfresco cafe..very zen looking place..i like the bamboo thatis surrounding the cafe..they only sell one thing…48RMB brunch..but looks realli good..potatoes w rosemary..sunny side up..a lot of mexican..angmohs there..if u come back, we’ll try it ok…? but i still give my best breakfast vote to boo..Taikang..

Art gallery..paintings n photographs are hopeless..nothing unique n special..saw one that shows a panda and WWF…We Want Woman..yucks…but i found a nice T-shirt shop for you…they have very nice Mao Ze dong t-shiry..saying Unity is strength…White collar Wokers unite…reali cool..n material is good except it is xpensive..ladies tee..180 am not buying..rmb be thrifty…hehe

1500 hrs At hua Shi chang…where we go find the Pink party wings..Fu xing zhong Road..

Lesson 3: Never let Fionna go to places that sell homewares..i confirm will buy things. My emotions RULE …when it’s matters of the house..

I wasn’t there to buy flowers..i will NOT buy during summer..too hot n got to change water all the time..No Way! No Time! Instead, i went to scout my fave shop..the one i say i mange to pick up an expressor set for Alice ‘s x-mas xchange last year.. a 50 RMB xpresssor set that looks like 200 RMB..i went there to look for cool utensils..they sell Selena cookware…and  saw Teflon by Dupont i ask the u all still selling this poisonous pot..she says..our boss says that in international is not proven to cause health hazards…great ..adrian will be very pleased with her , i am sure..i could not control myself..ended up buying…3 more extra sleek bowls for 9.90 rmb each, a pepper n salt holder = 38 rmb..damn zen n nice..a candle= 38 rmb, 2 jet black statues ornament = 116 RMB ..very nice..i can’t resist…they looked perfect on my white shelves..silouettes of woman..

1600 hrs Lesson 4: Read the bible more so you can flip the pages and know where they are..A singaporean girl helped me…i was realli too slow…otherwise..dun bring the bible..just read it off the screen…

Church service was great brighten up my day…Yes Lord..yes yes lord…that’s the song which keeps repaeting in my mind now..we had a rock band to play the music..very nice and energizing…i dun find the church pastor realli amazing lah..but the speaker …an angmoh..can’t rmb his name tok about conflict the bible guide us on ways to control our anger…When in anger …LEad  with the ears before you wage your tongue..always listen before you speak…Seek first to understand , then to be understood..

He highlighted 7 points to spouse conflict management:

1. Fight…when you fight, you actually deepen emotional understanding later on..don’t deny your anger…

2. Stay focus on the subject.

3. Do not repeat past history. The golden rule is : everything past 48 hrs should not be mentioned.

4. Do not call each other names. The content of the quarrel will be forgotten but not the names.

5. Finish the fight.Do not walk away from it. Fighting till you come to a common understanding. WEll..humn..this seems a little tough….will it ever happen..what if both very stubborn…both high D how?

6.Hold the other party’s hands while you Fight. This is to reassurea nd make the other party that Love is what you value most..not the conflict..he agrees that is is really hard to do this in the moment of anger..

7. Don’t use the words “never” or “always” negatively. “You always do this, but never…” instead say this: “I’ll always love you and never leave you alone”

Well…i like the service,…esp the part on listening..i am reali bad at that..oh one more very impt thing that caught me…Take and give…one of the singers had this in his songs…and he saifd: Whenever Lord takes something away from you, he will give you something in return…i like he answered me ….Praise the Lord!

Oh i finally find a copy of That shanghai in a gallery near hengshan…

1830 hrs..Massage at Pu An once a weekly MUST DO thingly…

1930 hrs..Dinner at Han Se..Korean kimchi soup..

2000 hrs..Busy at Fuzhou..buying my painting stuff for next weekend..all, geared up for painting…

2055 hrs…take a break at coffee bean..need a huff n puff..and a tea…yah i took train home..despite i hve 2 canvas and a heavy bag…Surprise…

I saw the ang moh guy i met at the HR mixer Rob..he had been asking me to meet up..can’t be he is with a Chinese girl..humn typical masaleh…he dosen’t seems to recog me..thin is my glasses..hehe..

See that’ show i begin today..with an end of what to do at diff timing..and i did it alll..Horray…back to drawing now that my blog is done..

P/S: i have decided to paint and leave it at the side walls …no hanging but on the floor so now my room looks like a gallery..and can cover the entire stretch of  ugly , dirty and flaky side wall directly below the living room window…so i got aroung 4 or 5 to paint..humn..

Hope you have a nice day too..





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