Monthly Archives: October 2008

DengDeng & MooMoo

Dear bb; I am missing the you, the hangman and the cows or is it the i-phone ? Oct is a crazy month for me, especially when work is concerned. Not because there were so many projects that drove me crazy … Continue reading

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Wine n sex in bed

Di-di! The alarm rang and the weekly reminder came on. Hmm … what to do leh … no BBFionna with me. So, just open a tiny bottle of wine and drink myself lor … But, I think cannot drink 1 … Continue reading

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Me & My Baby Boy

“Edwin & Fionna”

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Me & My Baby Girl

Sending you virtual hugs and kisses for the time being …

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Our life together

Dear BBf, This might sound strange, but I thank you for crying … crying for us. It has been a wondrous Oct 08 with you and me. As you mentioned before, I am deeply enthralled by you and I know … Continue reading

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A House With Us

Dear bbe; I had one of the best times together with you this October holidays and as you say before everything else. Thanks for everything the memorable moments of us : Dining in the woods; Popping the special Mumm champagne … Continue reading

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Before anything else

Thank you for your love, loving and loveliness. I love you, dear. Take care & God bless.

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