Monthly Archives: June 2007

Here again

I’m right back at square 1 again. Going to the UAE again this evening. Going to work there for 2 months this time. If this is the way, then let it be taken with confidence and anticipation. Hopefully, less complain … Continue reading

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Brilliant IDeas = Passion to Simplify life

William Leith : Why Do Fries  Taste SOOO Good? Birth of McDonald? I could blame the McDonald’s brothers , Dick and MAc , who reopened their fast-food diner in San Bernardino, California, with the brilliant idea : get rid of … Continue reading

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If you are HAPPY and you know it CLAP your hands

Had a great business etiquette training with Corning yesterday. Things i achieved during the session: 1. Managed to keep my audience hyper active and partcipative throughout the entire session 2. Managed to deliver all the important points and happy to hear my participants … Continue reading

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Do what's right, the right way, at the right time!

How do you access if what you choose is Right or Wrong? Who determines what is Right or Wrong? The norms? You? Others? How do you know if this is the Right way…based on someone’s experience? How to determine if it … Continue reading

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