Monthly Archives: January 2006

TM's House Visit

Meeting people we befriended in Shanghai. Wonderful feeling. Nice to catch up again.

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Chinese New Year

Last day of school before Chinese New Year break. Asked you out for Huo Yuan Jia 霍元甲 the movie starring Jet Li. Initial feeling: Afraid, apprehensive. (Scared you don’t want to go.) After event feeling: Happy. Glad that I had … Continue reading

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Edwin Koh

He came back to Singapore during the CNY break. We met up with him for dinner at the X.O. Bee Hoon Place with minquan, shuhui and Yvonne.

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Ministry of Sound

PRU Bash Glad that you agreed to come and “party” with the NOC bunch. No Nokia Handphone in the end. It was a nice dinner by the riverside. Thanks.

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Marches Part 2

Finally got Virginia’s Credit Card Number. Had a good meal at Marches.

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After the NGES event in NUS, we headed to town for food. Gift Voucher won from the Pink Party, sponsored by Virginia. We ate at Marches and realized that they do not allow us to use the voucher as it … Continue reading

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Business Case Presentation

A whole day affair. You had the priviledge of being bombarded with questions by a sitting in Professor. You handled well.

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9 – 11 Jan 2006 Bangkok Stop Over. Massage. Food. Locust?! Shopping. Welcome back to Singapore!

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