Monthly Archives: September 2007

A review, thus far

Dear Fionna, I have just completed my third week in Qais Consulting. I am amazed at how fast it has been. 3 weeks has gone by already. It seemed only yesterday when I just began work. Work has been good. … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Mr Ting

Dear Mr Ting, Happy 26th birthday…and for not being beside you AGAIN  for your birthday,   Bless you will be pill -free soon ,be a living brand name for yourself in your career  profession , Happy 26th birthday…and for you NOT being able to be … Continue reading

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Fionna With The Best Body

 Yeh…my first BIG photo!

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Our Vodka World

I like this photo, because i am vain and i think this photo makes me look cute..but of course, my boyfriend, which is you ..looks handsum..too. And as the usual me , i like the blue…blur background….so i decided to … Continue reading

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Good Morning

Missing you already … Do have a good week ahead and really look forward to seeing you again in December. Thanks for your time and you being there. Though it was a short 5 days, it was one of the … Continue reading

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The eager beaver is awaiting it’s flight with great anticipation. It still has one more item to check off on it’s to do list, after which a flight to never never land … =) By this time tmr, like 牛郎和织女 … Continue reading

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