Monthly Archives: February 2008


Here’s wishin’ you all the best, all the goodness, all the optimism and all the brilliance in all that you do. You can’t see this in Shanghai, I presume, but nonetheless let the heartfelt sincerity be etched here as symbol … Continue reading

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My 5 Diamonds

You didn’t eat too much. You were probably tired from being ill and had no appetite. Glad you were there nonetheless. What a splendid magic trick performed for us that day! Just like this card, I will always be beside/behind/with … Continue reading

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My little DragonLady

Thanks dear, for all the interesting expeditions to Dragonfly. I’ve been there every single occasion, except for once, with you. I’m glad you like the place, and am glad that I too enjoy the place. and I absolutely enjoy you … Continue reading

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The Get Well Quick Post

Dear dear, I hope you get well quickly and before you return to Shanghai. Hope the “long wei” grass, the “sea coconut” cough syrup and all the water works hard and get rid of the cough, the sore throat and … Continue reading

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Thanks dear

Dear Edwin, Thanks for updating the blog, the long awaited annual dinner @ Angus, the lovely roses…and for being here with me and having me with you everywhere. It was so sweet to see what you have written during the Xmas … Continue reading

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Welcome back, Dear

Dearest Fionna, Welcome back to sunny Singapore. Am so glad that you have arrived safe and sound. After the 5 hours delay in flight, I’m sure it was tiring, even though, you were so fortunate to be upgraded to Business … Continue reading

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The "I'm not too anxious that I can't sleep" post

It’s 2301 H. I want to sleep so I can wake up to go to airport. Then, I think that you not even plane yet! Aiyah … Not anxious … not anxious … Wait for my baby to come home … Continue reading

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