Monthly Archives: March 2012

Baby Bump – 3/25

Still no diff eh???

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Draw Something

We are carrots for each other la. Good drawing, dear.

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Baby Bump – 3/18

Same Fionna, same tummy. BB Bump is not obvious yet. 🙂

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Baby Bump

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Little one

Seems that all our mummies and daddies are in consensus … they are excited and happy for the little baby that will soon come into our life. Thank God that it is you … for you … that we will … Continue reading

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Elijah Ting

Our little boy

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New addition to the family

Just the size of a little grape at 1.97 cm, we are glad that to see you little baby. After much anticipation and waiting, we finally were able to see the foetus of our child growing inside you bb. May … Continue reading

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