Monthly Archives: February 2007


Ok, as I said this afternoon, the next time I go to the airport, I hope it’s to send myself off to Shanghai. Not any pressing circumstances, but I think it’s time my break is over. It had been a … Continue reading

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Gabriel's Place & St James Power Station

Gabriel’s Place, at the far flung corner of the island. “In between” that causes so much heart thumping action and let a certain Mr. P win so much $$$. 2 nights in a row, you went. Nice place with a … Continue reading

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Chinese New Year comes around again. Time flies … reminds me a little of 2006, when we just return from SH. Here’s wishing you: 身体健康 (I find this of the utmost importance), 马到功成 (For the good advancement of your career), … Continue reading

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The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want

… … Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. … … Surely goodness and love will follow … Continue reading

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Things he said

  All of a sudden i feel that my life is beyond my control. I hope i am just being paranoid. I feel so helpless and foolish. It is not about me anymore. I am so afraid , Fionna. Are … Continue reading

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Overcoming a thousand layers

We baked a Thousand Layer Cake! Well, it’s just the name of the cake – Kueh Lapis. The entire process is simple and easy to do, BUT … to replicate the correct effect, investment in a heavy duty mixing machine … Continue reading

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I’m sure this isn’t your most exciting valentine’s, neither is it your most romantic valentine’s … yet it’s the weirdest things that I have done on this day … baking brownies, eating pig organ’s soup, eating brownies with rum and … Continue reading

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Bienvenue de nouveau à Singapour

Welcome back to Singapore! It’s quite hot in Singapore at the moment, vast difference in temperature from Shanghai, right? Ok, so take care, and don’t fall sick. Good to see you again after … hmm … about 5 months … … Continue reading

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Goodness and love

This was the title of this evening’s church service. I like the message the Pastor preached, because it was just about a single truth, a very simple idea, but it means so much. Surely goodness and love will follow me … Continue reading

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The Miracle on Feb 7 …

I tried to access this website i do everyday, at least once…and the miracle appears before me… I started reading the blogs that i have missed out for 5 months..they were filled with blessings and uncertainty which i never hear over … Continue reading

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