Monthly Archives: February 2013

Triple Eye Lids

No artificial plaster. All natural from lack of sleep.

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Sleep Improvements

12 midnight, 5 am … We are almost there!

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Ayi Where Art Thou

Yes, we are all vexed over the ayi saga, and not finding the right ayi that we trust and feel comfortable with yet … But I’m sure with God’s grace we will find the right one that will be with … Continue reading

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Natural Alarm

12 midnight, 4 am, 8 am, 12 noon, 4 pm, 8 pm Regular and precise Eva calls you to feed her Who needs an alarm clock? Thanks mmFionna for suiting Eva’s style all the way.

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Wishing all of us a Happy CNY, good health, abundance of blessings and wealth and success in our careers and entrepreneurial endeavours.

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