Monthly Archives: October 2006


so, after the little skype session about your new strategy for business development, i sense slight weariness and fustration. anyway, here’s my 2 cents worth (for all that matters, it was alittle after my heavy meal of Adam Rd Nasi … Continue reading

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Veuve Cliequot (Rose)

You got your champagne? Here’s wishing that you hit your sales target as soon as possible and then can ‘pop’ the champagne to celebrate! Anyway, welcome back to Shanghai! Hope you managed your luggage without too much trouble!?

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1 element of life I fail to practise enough in life. Therefore, feel good that you are letting me experience another side of life. Your last minute requests, my unexpected twist of events. From Hougang tau sar pia, to Hougang … Continue reading

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You're coming on a jet plane

(Sung to the tune of “Leaving on a Jet Plane”) By the time you get this, you should be back in Singapore. Has it been 2 months already? Seemed so long, yet seemed so fast. Time, indeed, is a peculiar … Continue reading

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Mooncakes From Bengawan Solo

Thanks for being so thoughtful. So and So said i was expecting some presents from Singapore and in fact believe or not, even if he didn’t say so, i knew if i said i wanted something, you will try your … Continue reading

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6th Sense

The mysterious sixth sense. A hunch, an intuition, a premonition, a feeling … Wow! It’s so 灵! (or, someone drop some hint, is it?) [or, really so predictable, eh?] Nonetheless, you should be getting it tonight, i think!? Enjoy it (shan’t say what it is … Continue reading

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In your mind

Thanks for leaving mein your mind all the time. So 感动 that everytime you go to somewhere cool, some place nice andwhen you are doing something exciting, you would remember that you will bring me or that we should go … Continue reading

Posted in elmtree | 1 Comment

1= Edwin Ting= Fionna' Life

I saw that on your skype…and i thought for a while. There will be many Edwin she might have come across but only 1 Fionna will rememeber so far…someone whom she is very grateful  for coming into her life when she most … Continue reading

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