Why Elm3.net?

(guess it should be elm3.org now, after the little crash at the old site)

This space was created as a little surprise for you!

It is a simple blog space that I created under the domain name of www.elm3.net. I wasn’t too sure of how I wanted to create this site, but eventually decided to create it as blog. Wanted to get the domain name as www.elmtree.com, but the site had been bought up already. I ended up settling for second best (which I hope is still as great as ever).

Just thinking about the Elm Tree and Lime Tree incident puts a smile on my face. It happened on 16 March 2006. It was a Thursday afternoon and I was waiting for my Parallel Programming lecture to begin and you sent this message to me.

Limetree intelligent hardworking accept wat life dishes out but not b 4 trying 2 change bad circum into gd ones. hates fighting n stress. enjoys getaway vacations. may appear tough but is soft n relenting. always willing to make sacrifices 4 family n frds. has many talents but not enough time 2 use them. great leadership qualities. Jealous at times but xtremely loyal.

When I got the sms, I was thinking … what was she telling me? Is this suppose to describe me? How come it describe me so well? Later that day after meeting for dinner and studying in school for a bit, I saw the entire email which was sent by Alice. Thereafter, there was the birth of Elm Tree and Lime Tree on MSN. (“,)

With that thought in mind, I went about creating something here in virtual space for you. Be it a simple blog for yourself, or for me to you, or for anything else, I hope you would enjoy it.

I have added numerous entries of how I had the great opportunity to spend time with you here in Singapore. These are times that I cherish and will remember. Had to do some back dating to get most of the entries up. Anyhow, recalling the incidence was very heartwarming for me. In terms of friendship, I think I went a little further than I had ever imagined that I could/would/should(?). I didn’t realize that I could really fall for someone. (“,) BUT, that is a good thing! It had really been an experience for me. As I like to say to others, now I say to myself: You’ll (I’ll) be surprise what you (I) can live through.

It doesn’t matter what happens in the future, I’m happy for it all. For all that matters and no matter what happen, I really hope we remain as good friends.
Anyway, all the best for your future (now that you can’t see where you are going yet)!

Yours sincerely,

Edwin Ting

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