Monthly Archives: March 2007

Book, Fire & Hope

It’s farnie how me & your dad think alike, maybe we are the FEELing people, take the risk & chiong all the way! In some way, i am also taking this opportunity to see how well i understand you and i guess … Continue reading

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All known questions have been answered, but what about questions that we have yet to ask? Most people go through life simply accepting facts, and whatever they have been told. No questions form in their minds. Just an interesting thought. … Continue reading

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Good Morning! (Haha! I’m assuming that each morning, you enter MTS’s cozy little office, sit at you well decorated table and fire your Toshiba laptop up and launch IE pointing to this website and there hasn’t been a single post … Continue reading

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The 4D number that i did not check…This is the photo which i will use for my 大工成 which i mentioned to you over our conversation till 4 am that fateful day. In a way, no matter where you are, … Continue reading

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Thanks for letting me in on your big decision. It gave me a lot of food for thought, too. I must have had a few restless nights just thinking about it … the ifs, the what ifs, the if only, … Continue reading

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Pursue HappYness

I am very tired after days of late nights and early morning, but i am Happy. I did not know what came over me to tell you my plans but just wanted to thank you for being so supportive , all the time. Wactched … Continue reading

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The Kueh Lapis Seller

Your insight about Kueh Lapis and nonya kuehs is very similar to what I thought. Where are they in Shanghai? Though, I doubt I will go over merely to bake and sell Kueh Lapis. Perhaps, it could be a “home … Continue reading

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Happy International Women’s Day! I am woman, hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore And I know too much to go back an’ pretend ’cause I’ve heard it all before And I’ve been down there on the floor … Continue reading

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