Monthly Archives: December 2008


Tang Yuen courtesy of your mum.  Next year we can tuan yuan in Shanghai already. BB, thanks for being patient and waiting for me. I will hold to my promise and keep you safe by my side. I love you. … Continue reading

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You've got me & I've got you, bb

I want you to know (again and again) that you’ve got me … for talking, for rambling, for holding, for smiling, for kissing, for loving … for life … & I am happy that I got you … for talking, … Continue reading

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我的陈威幸Baby, 我很感谢你为我特别设计的这个网站 Elm3, 在没有对方在身边的日子;Elm3是我们的避风港口,听我们的欢喜和我们的悲伤; Elm3是我们两人感情的桥梁,传达一对在中新国两地之间的爱情; Elm3是我向你宣告我对你的爱,思念,大胆讨论我们的将来,期望 ,和承诺的地方; Elm3 也是让我了解,认识你,我的宝贝 让我第一次专心的了解你-察觉到你的细心,耐心和对这段感情的信任和信心 更重要让我找到我的另一半,一个如此爱我和我爱的人。 I love you baby!      

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