Monthly Archives: February 2009

Christmas Candle,Straw Walkway & Monitor Lizard meat

Mum was not around, my brother was fantically looking around the house for a Christmas Candle to bring to the event. Amy suggested using a lamp and that’s when Ah Di ( the relative who did my hme econs pouch … Continue reading

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Weird Dreams Book

Dear bb; I am wondering why my mind is not resting @ night and i keep having wierd dreams almost from the moment i go to bed till i wake up.With your idea in mind,  decided to write my interesting … Continue reading

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Next step towards you

bb, approximately 4 months before the end of June 09. I am planning to go over to Shanghai to join you again. This time, however, the situation is different. We are both madly in love with each other and want … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine's Day!

I love you.

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When i think of L.O.V.E.

L i think of the one Lily at the airport which represents me as your one and only ; i think of the Livechat hours on skype – average 13 hours/day we talk and fall asleep together; i think of the Lifetime i am going to … Continue reading

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I'm in love with you

Dear bbFionna, I want to you to know that I love you and that I appreciate you for everything that you do for me, for the consideration that you have for me, for your concern and for letting me be … Continue reading

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Lovingly from MU568

Dearest Lime3, While the flight was on delay, I was thinking of you all the time. I even thought if I should change my flight tonight if the delay carries on with the heat and stuffiness. God bless, Amen, the … Continue reading

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Edwin & Fionna, Fionna & Edwin

It’s just you and me, always together forever … It was a wonderful time this CNY with you back in Singapore. So happy, that I get to meet you every single day, even though there are so much other distractions … Continue reading

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Madly, deeply, truly in love with fionna

Muacks!!! Puk puk puk!!!

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Happy Ren Ri!

We ended our day at the 7th Storey Restaurant at the Marina Barrage – the latest addition to Singapore’s infrastructure. It is a dam to create a reservoir for fresh water at the Marina Bay area for drinking water and … Continue reading

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