A reason for rejoicing …

but, not yet the moment to pop a champagne!

I completed my prototype. Well, at least, all the features that I wanted to include by 18 August 2006 (next Friday), today. Supposed to show my Prof my prototype tmr and I hope that he would think it is ok (good?!) too … There is a logical bug still present in the program, but the functionalities are working.

MSN down the whole day for me … (is it for u, too?) so I could not spread the happiness over to SH. hehehe

How was ur day?!
Hope it was great … and tmr the weekend arrives … phew! (“,)

Had a German dinner just now, courtesy of my brother.

He got German bread (Pumpernickel Bread) to eat with Black Forest Ham (Smoked ham). He also got baguette to eat with martires (Mackerel Fillets in brine – very very salty fish), butter lettuce, tomatos and onions. For salad, there was Honey Mustard Salad. Quite healthy, and very filling dinner! Comes with Mornet Red Wine as well.

Food was great! Just that I am not used ot having cold dinners.

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