Monthly Archives: August 2007

Staying connected with God

That was the message of the day, when i visited church yesterday, after 3 weeks of absence. I felt happy there, singing, praising him and knowing how much he loved me. Just as you said , it’s amazing to know … Continue reading

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August 17

There are two great days in a person’s life- the day we are BORN and the day we DISCOVER why                    

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Gina is leaving MTS Consulting. She decided to go home.When the announcement was made by Alice in our meeting today, tears welled up in Gina’s eyes and i could see Alice trying to hold back the tears. 4 years. Gina … Continue reading

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Spot your home!

See this interesting site: for more information.

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Back to original

So, we are back to the original theme for the blog. =) I’ve uploaded a new picture for the header, try to spot it when you are free … =) Have a good day!

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Got a sorry from a long time friend who apologize for what he had done long time ago, he asked me why i didn’t hate him and i said because i knew i was at fault to. To forgive is … Continue reading

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mmm … delicious

Once again … a very Happy Birthday to YOU!

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