4 more weeks

Time really flies.

It’s almost time for little baby to come and stay with us physically in our little abode. Here’s praying for a smooth, painless and natural delivery. God will be with us as little baby come into this world.

Thanks dear for making the whole journey so wonderful. I want to continue to support and take care of you even in this final leg of the pregnancy.

I’m sure it’s going to be a joyous ride ahead.

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Little Dragon Girl

1 month on and we went for our 4th check up at ASOG

To our delight, we found out that we would be having a little girl – our little dragon baby. Healthily growing within bbfionna, and comfortably living within bbf’s womb.

See you again on 25 May …

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Back to Shanghai

9 hours of wait, 12 hours of flight, 1 hour of travel before I reach back to 1565 Beijing West Rd, Shanghai into the arms of my dear wife. Looking forward to it very much … it has been a long time, the longest period of time, in fact, that I have been away from my bbf, and this time round there is also bb who is waiting.

bbf, i will come back tomorrow morning and dispel the unpleasant dreams and hope we can all sleep well together. Also, Sat morn we will be going to see the baby … and God will continue to bless us and the baby that the baby will be growing healthily inside of you.

Can’t wait to see u again dear.

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My 16 weeks baby

Hi baby,

As I read, you should be the size of an apple and I should be feeling you move in mummy tummy.Mummy has been trying to feel you dear, praying every day that you will bE growing healthily in me. Daddy bought books fromAuckland , his first book to you. We cannot wait to see you in October as you join the Ting family. Mummy worries too much sometimes when I don’t feel or see you, wondering what you are doing, eating well, sleeping well and growing well. Can’t wait to see you again soon my darling.

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Appreciation and Thank You

29 April 2012

Today, and like everyday,  i am grateful for my understanding , patient , supportive and caring husband Edwin Ting who is always there for me , from my single days, to being my boyfriend, my husband and now a daddy to be..and future grand-daddy .

I am grateful and thankful to Lord Jesus for the healthy miracle babyyou have created that is growing inside me, keeping me and the baby healthy and glowing 🙂

I sing praise for you Lord to taking care of my loved ones, my family, colleagues and friends who are embarking on different journey and phases of their life, bless them safety , good health and also give them wisdom and courage to face the different experiences youhave created for them. Be with them always.

Thank You Lord and to my dearest hubby , our little one will be the next phases of our journey and i am glad to embark on this journey together with you. Though you are now thousand kilometres away from me, i know you are thinking of me always , so am I and the baby. We really miss you. Have fun in New Zealand and to check on the little one when you come back next week.

Happy May holidays.

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Safe & sound

Nothing much, except the doctor called to say the test for Down Syndrome came out negative, so bb’s baby is good to go.

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Dancing Baby


Went to see you today and good to know that you are dancing inside mummy’s womb. See u in a month’s time again.

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Woo!!! Someone is one the way …


in about 6 more months … little E&F will be here to Woo hoo with us … 🙂

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Baby Bump – 3/25


Still no diff eh???

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Draw Something

We are carrots for each other la.

Good drawing, dear.


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