Triple Eye Lids

No artificial plaster.

All natural from lack of sleep.


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Sleep Improvements

12 midnight, 5 am … We are almost there!

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Ayi Where Art Thou

Yes, we are all vexed over the ayi saga, and not finding the right ayi that we trust and feel comfortable with yet … But I’m sure with God’s grace we will find the right one that will be with us for the next couple of years.

Meanwhile, biggest hugs and commendation to you (mummy dearest) for your hard work and devotion.

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Natural Alarm

12 midnight, 4 am, 8 am, 12 noon, 4 pm, 8 pm

Regular and precise

Eva calls you to feed her

Who needs an alarm clock?

Thanks mmFionna for suiting Eva’s style all the way.

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Wishing all of us a Happy CNY, good health, abundance of blessings and wealth and success in our careers and entrepreneurial endeavours.

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Happy 2013

The time is now!

Dear bbf,

Wishing us both and Eva a great year ahead, filled with God’s blessings, love and joy, goals fulfilled and dreams realized. May 2013 be a year of great breakthroughs for us, and may we be great parents to Eva such that she will be nurtured well and grow to be a wonderful, well mannered lady.

Thanks for being with me all the time. You are most important to me, and I want you to always know that.

Loving you always, bbe


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Eva Ting is 1 Week Old

Waiting, waiting, and here she is …

10 months of development, and praise God, Eva Ting has been safely delivered into our hands. Very quickly, she is now 1 week old, and very soon … even she will be a big gal.

Thankful for you, and you being with me to share the joy, and to share in the growing pains. 🙂 We will slowly learn to be good parents and learn to lead Eva in the right path. God will guide us. I’m certain you will be a great mummy to Eva.

Glad that you are recovering well, without any side effects. Glad also that you are not overwhelmed by the stress for breast milk. It’s a nice to have and if God willing, there will be, otherwise, Dumex Infant Formula will do just fine. 🙂

No matter, I want you to know that I will be the supportive of you and the family, most helpful to you and the family and most loving to you and the family. Love ya …

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Anniversary Day 1

While waiting for baby to pop, let’s remember that 1 year ago this day, we got together under the witness of all our family to proclaim and celebrate our love.

Continue to love you … and wait patiently for baby.

E&F   (424)

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Happy 31st Birthday Hubby Edwin

Today is baby’s 37 weeks in mummy and daddy’s 31st birthday. We are waiting eagerly for baby’s arrival next week and pray for God’s blessing to bring our healthy baby into this world . Bb also wishes daddy a Happy Birthday! 3 simple words, I love you dear. Can’t describe how fortunate I am to have you and appreciate everyday. I don’t do fancy things these days and hope a simple card, a durian cake , bb and my company with you is the best gift we can offer for your 31st birthday. I thank Lord and as always , pray for him to bless you good health at all times, may your dream to start a business on your own come true, and our l I’ve to stay strong at all times as we journey into parenthood. Happy Birthday. Love ya.

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3309 g

Waiting for baby to move while mummy and daddy tries to stay awake.

Dear baby,

It seems that you have been very comfortable inside bbfionna, so much so that you have grown so big over the 35 weeks. Mummy will not start to control her diet so that your weight maintains at below 3.5kg when you are eventually delivered.

See you again next week bb.

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