To keep my LIFE and MIND Simple!

That is my GOAL in China: To keep my Life & Mind Simple

What do i meant by keeping my life simple:

  • That will include , taking bus to work & less of CAB….
  • This is quite daunting: To eat home cook food occassionally (that means i must COOK?…for health purpose..I realised i have been having quite a bit of microwave lately..even for lunch in office…
  • To “chiong” less & do more drawing and painting on weekends
  • To visit and explore art gallery in “private & seluded places”
  • This one ..expensive..Find nice Chinese Jazz clubs…
  • This one i find it the hardest to achieve: exercise or do yoga 3 times a week..humn.

Wah..quite a list i realised…I have covered…Food…Exercise..Soul…Yah..less WORK on weekend…..Next To keep a simple MIND….

I realised i am someone who is prone to the “Success In one -Minute syndrome”..I keep feeling i am not doing good enough or performing well enough for my work…thus i am telling my self..To keep a simple mind about Success…Instead,i should

  • Have a goal what i hope to achieve out of my work in China
  • Have a plan how to achieve this goal
  • Then ,have an ACtion plan
  • Stay committed to this action plan
  • But, be flexible to accept changes and keep an open MIND to learning..i get personal sometimes with comments made by people about my work..Stay Professional!
  • Have a mind of my own…(this i seriously feel i lack)
  • Learn to conclude or make a decision after analysing the pros & cons of the available options
  • Never Give up even when i fail….
  • Have fun in my WORK…(very important)


  •  Lastly……Celebrate my success…Pop pop champagne…



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