Night out at Coffee Bean

It was meant to be at Minds Cafe, BUT since everyone was late (by at least an hour and only Shuhui was on time) we never got a seat.

Last minute pilots – KC and Huijing. =(
Refuse to land – Uncle Phang =(
Goodness go where – CK =(
Sick at home – Tong Tong =(
Ended up at Coffee Bean and lazed and chat.

Our “decent” chat revolved around Shallene’s work – about how she handled aunties and uncles and banglares to go cleaning for clean rooms, Gabriel’s work – about how he is busy entertaining all the big shots all over Shanghai, Elaine’s work – about how she is starting work at IRAS next Tuesday to be a valuer, Shuhui’s work – about how she is just still bumming around.

Also talked about going back to China, Shanghai, to work and how need to pull strings, etc … to make it happen faster and better.

And … bad service with NTUC … how the staff was more willing to help customer terminate their accounts than facilitate the waiver of a credit card charge. We have “wonderful” service in Singapore!

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