To live or Not to live…

Humn..I guess i am pampered..i went to see a few houses but still dun like them..find them too badly furnished or that their level was too high up…the exterior too shabby looking…for my budget it was almost impossible to get the “style” of house i want..given that i am staying alone…i walked thrug the familiar streets of jingan…but to no i got a little upset today…took line 4 back..and then uncle came back..we started to analyse possibilities…there was a lady he knew..stayed at the opp block..looking for a i asked him…to help me ask…maybe to get 1000rmb a month to share with her…she has a golden retriever..yah..i can have a dog yet not take care of it…but sadness ends real quick for me…because i started feastig on my Fererro rocher…then off for massage at aunti mabel’s place….then went to have my little lobster, mi xin and roast duck supper..tok to uncle about my life…wanted to ask u about the book but you fell asleep..good nitez..sweet dreams…

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