菲安娜 PVG-Sin 11 July 06

There was this period in our lives; we were so young and restless,
Me on the other hand, never change, the habit which most around me know…careless

Lost my boarding card and ask for another from the staff who kindly assists me with a smile, 15F was my seat

But I wasn’t thinking like I always do before a flight – deciding on what to eat,

Just excited about the lime tree productions,

The bonus, Pink Party for 3rd SHEN!

I laughed when I see us on the Shanghai mass rapid train…
What happen to all these people from NUS with top brains?
What other people say or how they look at us doesn’t matter anymore,
Because we are living in what we believe for.
A day we will remember till the day we get old.

On the flight from Singapore to Shanghai
This time round it is different, no more the 11 young and fun loving people with me,
I am alone to do work in China and to see…What the exciting China have for me…

But I was never alone from the beginning…
I have your support right from the starting…
I thank you for starting my journey on an eventful note…
As a friend, you will be the most thoughtful person I would vote
In terms of coming up with this in flight entertainment, the Cambodia album and the elm 3 website.

There was no choice for my in-flight dinner bite…
I have no choice but have dull looking vege and pork fried…
I miss the many food we had back in Singapore….
But I decided I would not grumble and ask for more…
Because the wonderful memories I share with u will always stay…
Always in my mind…never lost and placed away from my heart bay…

Broke back Mountain 所发生的情节和事非
Walt Disney 的卡通剧

Written by Fionna Lee…For Edwin Ting

Date: 11 July 2006

Time completed: 7:15 pm…btw my flight was delayed for 45 minutes due to late arrival of A/C..must komprain…

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