
Dear bbFionna, interesting picture that you sent me via MMS. I’m sure you enjoyed the bee hoon as much as I enjoyed cooking it for you. I want to cook my fried rice, fried bee hoon, claypot rice, THE sesame oil chicken and much much more for you for many many years to come.

I’m sure that in time to come you will be ready to settle down, and so will I. I look forward to waking up every day to your sweet face and going to bed each night in each others’ embrace. I want to love you, take care of you and never let you out of my tender loving grasp.

I may have eaten up your mango pudding, and twisties, but allow me to state that I will readily give them up for you.

Love you, bb, and I hope that we will be soon be together.

Puk puk! Muacks!!!!!

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