The Miracle on Feb 7 …

I tried to access this website i do everyday, at least once…and the miracle appears before me…

I started reading the blogs that i have missed out for 5 months..they were filled with blessings and uncertainty which i never hear over the phone whenever i am talking to you..never once did i realise you were so uncertain about your future…now i know..and i am sure you are getting on fine now with the healing on its way

Miracles can happen , if you pray for them and believe in Him, like this one.I need not wait for my trip back to read all the blessings you have wished for me while i am here. 

I know what He has planned for me and i choose to let my dear Lord guide my way wherever i go or wherever i may be…the same goes to you

Thanks for the pineapple tarts ..i appreciate that and have promised my colleagues i will share with them when i am back…at the same time do some “marketing ” for you …

….No matter what decision you make at the end of the day, to be in Shanghai or anywhere…as long you are happy…i will be happy for you!

Sometimes we need to be in the dark to realise the preciousness of light…so take this “short” vacation as the time to learn (1)  making pineapple tarts and (2)  “treasure your working life later on”…cheeers

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