Dun Give Up


I understand it is a tough patch for you now…It’s gonna be over soon..just barely a onth and you are graduating.Don’t have to worrry about finding a job..what will come will come. Don’t bother about what other say. It’s your life remember. Don’t let peer pressure determine the time frame to find a job. Yes, of course, i am working now and it is easier said than done, but finding a right job is important. You have the network and resources and i know you will soon find the job, it’s more on doing what you like.For me, i do miss the times i have in Fudan and our internship…but LEARNing has been redefined here in China..i am really learning everyday and for someone who loves changes..this is exciting..and is see myself growing …tat’s why training is something i will never let go …coz i need to learn to develop people..and to do so..i have to learn to be develop myself first and set an example..i hope you find your career passion..but for now..it’s just that few more days to presentation…and 16 years of education is OVER! So just remember..make the last few moments in your education life memorable! I studied hard for mine..but i had you then with me..thou i might not be in Singapore…to study with you in SDE..MAC…SOC..having you as a company def made the last few moments of my education in NUS memorable in some way!


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