When i think of L.O.V.E.


i think of the one Lily at the airport which represents me as your one and only ;

i think of the Livechat hours on skype – average 13 hours/day we talk and fall asleep together;

i think of the Lifetime i am going to share with you;


I think of the O1 special birthday surprise you planned in Shanghai on my 25th birthday;

I think of the O1 kiss we had at Wuhan on Christmas Day 2007;

I think of the O1 moment we share under the blankets @ Naked Retreat in 2008;


I think of the Bob Dylan Flash Video surprise you sent me on 12 Sept 2007 for our call date;

I think of the first Valentine we share eating Pig organ soup and baking the hard rock brownies;

I think of the second Valentine Video on our blog from you celebrating our Love ;


I think of  Edwin and how he makes me laugh and giggle like a baby ;

I think of Edwin and how he finished my mango pudding in Lynn but i still love him so much;

I think of Edwin and how i know he will be the man i am going to spend the rest of my Valentine’s Day with…

I love you Edwin and i know you are the only person i think of all the time and can’t wait too go home to everyday.

Yours always…chopped chopped









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