DengDeng & MooMoo

Dear bb;

I am missing the you, the hangman and the cows or is it the i-phone ? Oct is a crazy month for me, especially when work is concerned. Not because there were so many projects that drove me crazy but because i wasn’t sure anymore if i should continue with doing training myself. 

As much as i like facilitating a class, i enjoy more going out to meet people, listen and undertand their business, support them to solve their challenges. As much as i hate doing ppts…writing proposals…drafting contracts..they come as a package i reckon.

3rd day to drafting my FY 2009 plan for the DISC market and the  revenue target i set for my DISC market. I only manage to hit 3/4 of my target srevenue for this year.

Think…think …think…………………….



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