A House With Us

Dear bbe;

I had one of the best times together with you this October holidays and as you say before everything else. Thanks for everything the memorable moments of us :

Dining in the woods;

Popping the special Mumm champagne on my behalf;

Cooking me breakfast @ Naked;

Dancing with my toes over yours with Kenny G in the house;

Playing Hangman & Cowbanga on the i-phone;

Dancing as we laughed, hugged and kissed in Fuxing Park;

Stealing lost kisses on the streets , taxis, lifts and almost everywhere we can…

Giggling with one another in the dark;

Tickling us under the duvets;

Making love in the dark and early morning;

Cleaning each other using Sakura wet tissues;

Hugging & Kissing in the shower;

as we start messing up the beds over again ….

1108 is different with you ; now i have us together and i see us everyday before i get to sleep but i can’t wait for the day you will hug me to sleep and wake up with me again in the morning  . I cried because i am missing you dearly.



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