Monthly Archives: September 2008

Daily Renewal

Dear bbe; My type was so true. I really needed this daily renewal to keep me committed to our love and relationship. I do that, not everyday, but at times when i feel i needed confirmation that you are the … Continue reading

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Dear BB Fionna, This is my prayer: To be closer to you. To be close to you physically. To be close to you emotionally. To be close to you to hold your hand. To be close to you to hug … Continue reading

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Vow For The Year

Message of the Day : “I do promise…to hold you and to cherish you. I do promise to be there in sickness and in health. I could say till death do us part but i wont, those vows are for … Continue reading

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Just For You

Bb, Can’t describe to you how grateful i am for having you . To comfort me when i am in fear. To stay quiet when i need peace. To chat with me when i get pensive or feel lost. To be spontaneous with my last minute requests. … Continue reading

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Ting Li En

Dear bb; I like this name. It is such a special name you have created for someone ( who is named because of our love , named after you and me ) thus i decided to let it be a part of … Continue reading

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What's special today about

Edwin dear , Message For the Day: I love you. Fionna dear

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我尝爱你 I Try To Love You….

宝贝 BBE; 今天是个特别的日子,因为我决定写一个中文的博客赠送给你。灵感来之于你迟到的短讯:我尝爱你。 尝  :  一个多余可是特别的字 如果我没决定放开那段感情, 我也不会知道我可以重新开始。 因为我尝接受你的感情,我才知道放开只是一个选择。 因为我尝爱一个和完全性格不同的你,我第一次知道原来是如此有趣特别的。 因为我尝爱你,我从你身上学会一段美好的感情,只需要尝试一次就足够了。 我爱你。 宝贝 BBF   

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