Ting Li En

Dear bb;

I like this name. It is such a special name you have created for someone ( who is named because of our love , named after you and me ) thus i decided to let it be a part of the MAD project on our blog.

I had a really bad nightmare yesterday and i woke up in fear. It was the continuation from a really bad nightmare i mentioned to you a few weeks ago. I was really scared becasue it involves someone i love leaving me; for good.

While we all love to welcome new people into the family, we cannot fear losing the ones who are already with us.

Message of the day:

A scary day for me , even till now. I see the need to share both the good and fear i have in me. I started praying very hard to Lord, for him to bless my family , you and my friends to be healthy, safe and success in every thing they do.



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