Daily Renewal

Dear bbe;

My type was so true. I really needed this daily renewal to keep me committed to our love and relationship. I do that, not everyday, but at times when i feel i needed confirmation that you are the one for me and how much i want to cherish and treasure our relationship; for the things you do for me, and more importantly how much trust i place on this relationship.

I realised this very act of daily renewal gives me the power to stay committed to our love ; esp at times when i feel i needed you, and u are not by my side.

My gf asked me if this was something that came out because i needed to convince myself the reason to stay in a relationship with you , wouldn’t it be very sad if i had to be in a realtionship that i have to keep convincing myself to stay in; am i not comfortable in this love?

I thought about it for a long time. The answer was “no”.  I love you for the trust you give to me, the love you shower me with ; the planning and decision making we can discuss to one another; nd the respect we show to one another. All this was enough to make me decide why i begin this relationship with you at the first place. Thus, i am willing to commit myself to you. But being a person who has never feel the need to commit, i made a choice to commit to you; and this love. I can’t do that overnight ; and it’s especially hard when u are not around, this daily renewal is the step by step path to commitment .

Message of the day:

I am happy to be committed to thei relationship with you. I can’t describe to you how happy i was when you agree to us investing together for a house here in Shanghai. To me; it was a special moment and we have just moved our relationship to another level up.

Love you baby!



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