(Sung to the tune of “Leaving on a Jet Plane”)
By the time you get this, you should be back in Singapore. Has it been 2 months already? Seemed so long, yet seemed so fast. Time, indeed, is a peculiar matter that humans just can’t place their fingers on (figuratively and literally).
So, what can you do in your short (long by your standards) trip here?
1. Wedding of your old friend.
2. Dinner with other old friends.
3. Brunch with same ol’ bunch of old friends.
4. Lunch and dinners at favourite food hang out places.
Alright, besides food … hmm …
There’s Vivo City to visit. It’s ready just like you said, just in time for your October return trip.
There’s grocery shopping for the next stock of Singapore food to last through the winter till next spring.
In any case, welcome back to sunny Singapore (even though for haze sake, the sun refuses to reveal it’s radiant glow)!!!