Monthly Archives: July 2006

Happy 25th birthday …

Too bad my birthday was on a Friday…so i happily left my laptop in office…no way to write out the wonderful things you did for me on the exact day…21 July 2006..I am in shanghai this year for wat i … Continue reading

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Visit to Shark fin King: Mr George Tan

He is a humble man and i like him..simple, successful yet very down to earth…Alice called him the shark fin i had the best shark fin…the stock…from an imperial recipe called 皇闷上汤 , chix and pork boiled for 8 … Continue reading

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Shanghai welcomes you!

I believe you msut have touched down..welcome back…for this 1 week holiday..feels different when you are back here the 2nd time..could describe the feeling whne the aircraft landed..well first day of work was ok..reading stuff on my training program and … Continue reading

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Pack, pack, and away!

Looking forward to tmr! Looking forward to the trip to Shanghai. Not because I miss the food, nor is it I miss the shopping. I look forward to meeting up with you again. — Fionna’s book … … Check! Fionna’s … Continue reading

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To live or Not to live…

Humn..I guess i am pampered..i went to see a few houses but still dun like them..find them too badly furnished or that their level was too high up…the exterior too shabby looking…for my budget it was almost impossible to get … Continue reading

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菲安娜 PVG-Sin 11 July 06

There was this period in our lives; we were so young and restless, Me on the other hand, never change, the habit which most around me know…careless Lost my boarding card and ask for another from the staff who kindly … Continue reading

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Golf Proficiency Certificate (PC)

(Finally!) Took the PC at the Asian Golf Academy @ Bishan. All passed! (Like, who could fail!) QHouse’s Tuna, egg, ham, pork floss, lettuce roll – resembles a huge sushi (with brown wrap). Taste uniquely good! S11 Pork Chop at … Continue reading

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Thanks to you I also got to eat minquan’s home-cooked 雷茶. mmm!!! … and also all the DL-ed movies. Yea! Hearing you describe the Ba Kut Teh 肉骨茶 you ate in JB, also make me salivate. Shall patronize one day. … Continue reading

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Thank God for sale

and for not letting you make the purchase at G2000 yesterday. Good thing you decided to make your purchase today of the pants and the suit, which saved you quite a bit. Eye brow plucking and pedicure … well … … Continue reading

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You didn't faint before making it down.

Went over to your place for food galore … Fish (smooth, slithery, delicious chilli) soup, Chicken Porridge (with good white chicken) and dessert (大麦 Wheat). Eat until FULL, FULL! Burp!!! Congrats on finding your accomodation! It looks like a nice … Continue reading

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