1st day of work for 2009

7.30 am – Wake up & think of bbFionna

7.45 am – Brush teeth, wash up & think of bbFionna

7.50 am – Change clothes & think of bbFionna

8.15 am – Drive to work & think of bbFionna

8.40 am – Take the train to work & think of bbFionna

8.50 am – Walk to office & think of bbFionna

9.00 am – Arrive at office, turn on computer, download emails & think of bbFionna

9.00 am to 12.00 pm – Work, work, work & think of bbFionna

12.00 pm to 1.00 pm – Lunch & think of bbFionna

1.00 pm – Back to work, work & think of bbFionna

6.00 pm – Work, prepare to get off work & think of bbFionna

7.00 pm – Dinner & think of bbFionna

9.00 pm – Reach home & think of bbFionna

9.30 pm – Shower & think of bbFionna

9.45 pm – Turn on computer, launch Skype & think of bbFionna

10.00 pm – Reply emails, read RSS feeds, listen to music & think of bbFionna

11.00 pm – Think of bbFionna

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