Delayed Words

Dear ,

13 days to your birthday . This is a special day ; because its the first time i get upset with us.

In a way, i want you to know how happy i am to have you as co-investor ; i have to be frank i am upset by the fact you choose not to ask me ; since the day i shared this idea with you; till i pop the question yesterday on the role you like to play.  I can allow you to take time to think through this before you ask me, what i am distressed ( even till now) is your decision of not asking me and waiting for me to ask. It affects me; and  where it concerns things that makes a difference for this relationship ( even a simple gesture to cook a simple dinner ) , delayed words are not welcomed. I would prefer the idea of not having to say and ask for something all the time , with a “noted” reply msn or sms. I can’t expect you to know what i want at all times but the least i expect is truth saying. I do not like the feeling of you keeping to yourself something about us or things you have questions on.

I hope to understand why you would prefer to delay your words and feelings at time..i don’t know. 

I just know i am affected and you need to know. I don’t know how i can go on trusting us about how you feel at times about us. I really don’t know. I have made a choice to be upset today even though it is supposed to be something happy for us ( that its a step of moving forward for the 2 of us).


I have shared with you before ; i value open communication. If you choose to keep things to yourself, have secrets , i am perfectly ok because couples should have their own secrets. What i do not appreciate is the “keep to myself” attitude to share your thoughts at all .

Timing do make a difference to things that matters to the heart, when the moment and opportunity to say something is gone, it’s over.

Value of the delayed words spoken ( though a kind gesture) = Zero



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