Formulae to LDR

Dear BB,

Today is a special day beacause it’s the first time i felt worried about you when i did not receive your sms reply or hear your voice. This was so unlike you.  

I wanted to write this blog @ Zilin’s place; after the 300808 blog ; but i decided i got to spend some time to gather my thoughts.

Message to you:

I didn’t know i can miss you so much and i am falling in love with Mr Ting more and more each day. I  thank SKype for that.

SUCCESS for  long distance = A SKYPE SAvvy Couple – poor telecommunication network + Weekly handwritten postcards

Request For A Man’s Perspective  :

If a woman has a personality that is very close to a man, how can she prevent herself from being falling into the category of “brother” for a man she has crush on ?


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