4 years and counting …

No. 1 Birthday: This was back in 2005 – NOC days, we had someone organized a dinner. I vaguely remember us shuttled to the restaurant in a van that Shallene had booked, because the location of the restaurant was very far out on Pudong. You had us all eat the cake directly from the cake itself, without any utensils! This was what was left of the cake:

No. 2 Birthday: This was when you had already gone back to Shanghai, this time to begin your career. A long day you had and when I came ringing on the door bell of your uncle’s place, you had already fallen asleep. A Veuve Clicquot and a Yamazaki Cake:

No. 3 Birthday: Your 2nd year working in Shanghai. I was in a different place, and different time, wishing I was there with you.


No. 4 Birthday: My first year together with you, yet physically apart. Wishing I could be there, but cannot. Gifts of flowers, toys, tees, etc … does not do justice for my not being there, but I hope it will suffice for now. 


Happy Birthday, dear Fionna!

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