Thanks dear

Dear Edwin,

Thanks for updating the blog, the long awaited annual dinner @ Angus, the lovely roses…and for being here with me and having me with you everywhere. It was so sweet to see what you have written during the Xmas trip to Shanghai. Something i did not expect from you, maybe you have known me so well that it is harder for me to predict you. Less predictable, but i will leave it as it is, so life will be filled with little pleasant surprises.

It’s the first day of Chinese New Year and i did not plan for my New Year to be spent @ home, with my mum having to be so busy to take care of me, checking that my temperature is ok, reminding me not to sleep so much and reminding me to take my medication. I realised i am back to the little girl in her heart, who absolutely doesn’t take care of herself, the chili crab, the nights out…i am so in need to be taken care of after being so independent in Shanghai.

This trip back has been wonderful, spending time with my family, you and friends. Sets me thinking how long i will be away.I realised my parents have aged a lot during my trip back this time, but my passion to my work is bringing me away from them and you.But i am sure all will turn out well.

Sorry to make you work on the first day of New Year, which i hope you have a good time @ your granny’s place, the karaokay , the food. Have a good day !


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