Monthly Archives: September 2008


Message: L:  Listen with the heart O: Observe with the heart V: Vocalise from the heart E: Execute from the heart

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Mid Autumn Festival

Dear BBFionna, I feel so happy once again hearing your voice. The 1 week when we had silence, was extremely maddening. I was thinking of you each moment, wondering how you were doing, wondering how you were feeling. It is … Continue reading

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Trust Me

Message of the day: Can you just trust me (dun rationalize it) that I will tell you if something bugs me in the future, I promise I will.

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Apologize: Failed

Apologize I’m holding on your rope, Got me ten feet off the ground I’m hearin what you say but I just can’t make a sound You tell me that you need me Then you go and cut me down, but … Continue reading

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10 days

Message: I had a bad dream about you. Thus dropped u an sms this morning. I have nothing to say anymore.

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No entry day.

Message: 11 days to 22, but i am still not ready to talk or write anything today.

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What difference does it make even if we talk everyday ?

Edwin, Thanks for loving me. I love you too but I cannot understand how you can keep unanswered questions and thoughts about things within you for so long when we make effort to talk to one another almost everyday. This is the part that really … Continue reading

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I just want to say, "I love you".

Dearest Fionna, I know you are upset and I am deeply sorry for causing you this doubt, unhappiness and frustration. I want you to know that I love you and I want to make it right and not hurt you … Continue reading

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Delayed Words

Dear , 13 days to your birthday . This is a special day ; because its the first time i get upset with us. In a way, i want you to know how happy i am to have you as co-investor ; i … Continue reading

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Dear Fionna, I don’t mean to upset you with unspoken words. I am sorry if I have caused you distressed. I usually don’t express my feelings immediately, because it might be better expressed later on after proper thought has been … Continue reading

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