New beginnings, by the grace of God


Thank God for the perfect career opportunity for you, dear. HR related, tech related, and around MILK, one of your favourite food.

As Lennon mentioned, this will be a dawn of a new season for you, one of significance, one which will help you grow exponentially, and also one which you can let the glory of God shine.

Praying for favour in your new job, with your new colleagues and partners. Praying for wisdom to always know what needs to be done.
Praying for you to always know the heart of God.

Will miss the breakfast moments, the lunch kaki and more, but I know you will enjoy your new journey.

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감사합니다 Kamsahamnida

Had a great time in Korea with you, despite the active kid, the rude people and the bad food.

Cafe Mama

Palace Walk

Ice Cream


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My 2 most important gals


Mummy and Daughter at Madison to celebrate my birthday. love ya both. muacks!

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Mr & Mrs Ting

Happy lunch with Mrs Ting. Love you bb


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Creme BruFace


Massively huge Creme Brulee at Wine Connection. To totally fill you for the entire afternoon. Enjoy!

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The 2 Tawkay-niu of the homr


Happy Mummy Day!

Blessed returns sitting there right in between your legs. May Eva be a blessing to us and others.

Thank God for the wonderful “angel” mum of our child. For love, for enthusiasm, for passion and for a simple pure heart.

May motherhood be yet another wondrous journey for you.

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Where Mama?


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8 to 5

Eva is consistently on a 8 to 5 sleeping cycle. Thank God for her good sleeping habit!

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Roll over

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4 hour cycles

Time flies when you are taking care of a baby.

You start to break down your day into 4 hours intervals, starting with feeding, burping, diaper changing, playing, [eating egg yolk/rice porridge/etc], bathing, carrying, sleeping.

And, it all begins again.

Happy Parenting!

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