Category Archives: elmtree

Sunshine Fionna

Always cannot figure out if it is your smile, your gaze, your laugh, your lips, your voice, your antics that so mesmerize me … Fionna dear, I continue to be so much in love with you. I am so glad … Continue reading

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Memories of our ROM

Memories within photos only mean so much, it is your presence beside me that means everything.

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1 Week Anniversary

Dear Mrs Ting, 1 week has passed since our matrimony. I hope things are going well. You continue to be the most beautiful lady of my life. Though this is a milestone in our lives, what changes is just a … Continue reading

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Mrs & Mr Ting

Thank you for being part of my life. I promise to take care of you and cherish you for the rest of our lives for as long as we both shall live. Loving you always, Edwin

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14 days count down …

Thanks bb for the flowers, to brighten up the office and to make everyone in the office jealous. More exciting things ahead than just a birthday celebration on 22 Sep. Looking forward to our “simple-as-can-be” ROM at Henderson Wave. It … Continue reading

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3rd Anniversay Present from Beebs

Dear bb; Thanks for your present..but as i say..things to me are just things..what i want is you. I need you to know that i also need you all the time, all the while i think of what you do … Continue reading

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Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Why do you need to count, when you are enjoying the experience, right? It seems like I have known you for so many years, yet I never grow tire of your smile, your antics, your laughter, your voice, your touch … Continue reading

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Blessed Angel

Blessed is me who found someone like you in Shanghai. Blessed is me who have a man like you to love me for a lifetime. Blessed is me to have you to be beside when i fall down. Blessed is … Continue reading

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Dear bb; Thanks for the simple proposal that mean so much on 13 Feb 2010. It means a lot to me babyand I do not want to miss this day by not leaving this memory on our blog. The location … Continue reading

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NH 153

Bless the flight that will be bringing my bb back to me from across the ocean! I’m stuck in office due to a bug on the client’s website. Such a pain … cos’ this was something that could have been … Continue reading

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