Category Archives: Christianity

Bible Verses (1 of 5)

When in doubt: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. … Have no fear of sudden disaster or … Continue reading

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My New Bible

I went to get a new Blue Bible to replace my old one this afternoon. Tada: and just FYI, here’s the Final Product and it’s composition: Made from: Above-mentioned Blue bible 6 Ikea A4 sized photo frame (dismantled) 1 NUS … Continue reading

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Living with Intent

Accepting Jesus as a personal Lord and Saviour is a big decision. I’m glad you made it. About your “dare” with God, I’m glad that everyone came out a winner. Had practised golf that morning, and went for lunch with … Continue reading

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Easter Evangelistic Event

A Doctor’s Journal Thanks for coming. You invited your sister also. Great! Good performance with a great singer. Mr. Pastor Salesperson?!

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Trinity Christian Centre

Signal Test in the morning. Thanks for the well wishes. You finally came to church. I’m glad that I asked you. You mentioned previously about ur prior appointment. Just that afternoon you said that the facial was cancelled. I asked … Continue reading

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