Author Archives: edwinting

Anniversary Day 1

While waiting for baby to pop, let’s remember that 1 year ago this day, we got together under the witness of all our family to proclaim and celebrate our love. Continue to love you … and wait patiently for baby.

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3309 g

Waiting for baby to move while mummy and daddy tries to stay awake. Dear baby, It seems that you have been very comfortable inside bbfionna, so much so that you have grown so big over the 35 weeks. Mummy will … Continue reading

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4 more weeks

Time really flies. It’s almost time for little baby to come and stay with us physically in our little abode. Here’s praying for a smooth, painless and natural delivery. God will be with us as little baby come into this … Continue reading

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Little Dragon Girl

1 month on and we went for our 4th check up at ASOG To our delight, we found out that we would be having a little girl – our little dragon baby. Healthily growing within bbfionna, and comfortably living within … Continue reading

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Back to Shanghai

9 hours of wait, 12 hours of flight, 1 hour of travel before I reach back to 1565 Beijing West Rd, Shanghai into the arms of my dear wife. Looking forward to it very much … it has been a … Continue reading

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Safe & sound

Nothing much, except the doctor called to say the test for Down Syndrome came out negative, so bb’s baby is good to go.

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Dancing Baby

Went to see you today and good to know that you are dancing inside mummy’s womb. See u in a month’s time again.

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Woo!!! Someone is one the way …

in about 6 more months … little E&F will be here to Woo hoo with us … 🙂

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Baby Bump – 3/25

Still no diff eh???

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Draw Something

We are carrots for each other la. Good drawing, dear.

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